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JDE SSO Assessment

Schedule Your SSO Discussion

Are you struggling with selecting the most secure single sign-on method for JD Edwards?

Single sign-on options offer time-saving efficiency for the busy user – when you just need to sign on once, you’d be surprised how much time is freed up for countless other tasks. 

EnterpriseOne has several authentication options and vendor solutions available. Schedule time with us to review what is best for you.



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Get Answers

Get all the questions you have answered, including requirements, upgrades, identity providers, and more.

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Security Features

Discuss your security policies and what features are desired.

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Get Pricing

Our team can help gather the necessary information to give you a cost estimate and timeline to implement SSO.

What is E1 JWT SSO

E1 has the capability of using JSON Web Token authentication based on OAuth2.0 or OpenID Connect standards.

Get a more secure and efficient login process. There are several different methods of SSO in use today to access JD Edwards and other ERPs, the most secure option in the game – and what is increasingly in your company’s best interest to use – is the JSON Web Token Single Sign-On (JWT SSO).

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