Subscribing to personal alerts

Clarity is like an extra set of eyes—your eyes. Make sure it’s reporting back on the things most critical to you by setting personal subscriptions.

Subscribe to email alerts in Settings

  • Click on your username in the top navigation bar and select Settings from the drop-down menu.

  • From here you can subscribe to custom log parse alerts and individual metrics including
    batch job metrics, end user metrics, and Server Manager metrics. Or, subscribe to the entire group of metrics.

  • Scroll down further to set a synthetic monitor alert based on your preferred thresholds. 

Alert setup in the Log Parser module

Find a shortcut to set log parse subscriptions when you are in the Log Parser module.

  • Click the log subscription link below the Keywords Found chart.
  • Type in a custom phrase to target your alerts. Remember, your phrase must include one of the active keywords listed.
  • Then, set the occurrence.
  • Next, scroll down to Set the Priority level for your alert and click Save Changes.   

Alert setup in the Monitoring module 

Find a shortcut to set a synthetic monitor subscription when you are in the Monitoring module.

  • Click the wrench icon next to the page title to open the subscription window.
  • Select one or more running monitors
  • Set your thresholds.
  • Determine a priority level. (ERP Suites CNCs recommend Priority 1.)
  • Then, click Save Changes.